by Mattie Lucas
Cinema from a Decidedly Queer Perspective
Nightbitch | 2024
Despite its somewhat provocative title, Marielle Heller's Nightbitch is a strangely straightforward tale of the oft-unseen struggles of motherhood. Amy Adams' unnamed mother is overworked, underseen, and spends her days attending soul-crushing kiddie sing-a-longs at the library when she isn't chasing her paint-covered toddler around the house. She gets little support from her mostly clueless husband and finds herself surrounded by seemingly vapid moms who seem to have turned in their identities the moment their child was born.
There's something agreeably no-nonsense about Alex Parkinson's Last Breath, a straight-down-the-middle, meat-and-potatoes true-life rescue thriller we rarely see anymore. Perhaps I'm looking at the past through rose-colored glasses, but there once was a time when mid-budget actioners like this were multiplex staples. Nowadays, you're more likely to see movies like this relegated to streaming rather than playing on a big screen.